A Complete Guide to Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Our physicians adopt, implement, and enforce the policy to ensure the patients’ rights required by the DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES. The Spanish version is below.
Patient Bill of Rights – Patient Rights and Responsibilities
The written policy includes:
Problem Resolution
Federal law gives every hospital patient the right to be informed of how to submit a complaint to the hospital relating to his/her care or relating to the belief that he/she is being discharged from the hospital prematurely. Each patient has the right to be informed of how the complaint will be considered, including the response and resolution process developed by the hospital. The complaint resolution process is part of the hospital’s confidential Quality Improvement Program.
An issue can be addressed most promptly by speaking with your nurse or another health care professional involved in your care. However, if you feel an issue is not being addressed appropriately, or if you need additional assistance, please call the Patient Advocate, who is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you feel that your issue is not being resolved or addressed satisfactorily by the hospital, you may contact:
Texas Department of State Health Services
Health Facility Compliance Division
1100 West 49th Street Austin TX 78756
+1 (888) 973-0022.
Patients may also contact The Joint Commission:
E-mail: jointcommission.org
Fax: Print a Quality Incident Report Form from the website (jointcommission.org) and fax it to the Office of Quality Monitoring at +1 (630) 792-5636.
Mail: Print form as above and mail to:
Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Medicare beneficiaries with grievances regarding quality of care, coverage decisions, or premature discharge have a right to refer their complaint for review by the Quality Improvement Organization, a group of doctors who are paid by the federal government to review medical necessity, appropriateness, and quality of hospital treatment furnished to Medicare patients.
TMF Health Quality Institute
Review and Compliance
Bridgepoint 1, Suite 300
5918 West Courtyard Drive
Austin, TX 78730-5036
+1 (800) 725-8315
A patient who feels he or she has been discriminated against at the hospital on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age has a right to file a complaint. The written account of the alleged discrimination should be sent or delivered to the hospital, preferably within 30 days of the incident.
Sus derechoscomopaciente
En Texas Health Resources consideramosque la protección y el apoyo de los derechoshumanosbásicos de libertad de expresión, decisión y acción son importantespara la sanación y el bienestar de nuestrospacientes.Porello, nosesforzamosportratar a los pacientes con respeto y con total reconocimiento de sudignidadhumana. Las decisiones en relación con el tratamiento de atenciónmédica no se basarán en la raza, credo, sexo, origenétnico, edad, discapacidad o fuentes de pago. Como pacientedel hospital:
Resolución de problemas
Las leyesfederales le brindan a los pacientes de cada hospital el derecho a serinformadossobrecómopresentarunaqueja al hospital en relación con suatención o siconsideranquehansido dados de alta del hospital antes de tiempo. Cadapacientetienederecho a serinformadosobrecómo se tratará la queja, incluso la respuesta y el proceso de resoluciónllevado a cabopor el hospital. El proceso de resolución de quejas forma parte delPrograma de Mejora de Calidadconfidencial del hospital.
Para tratarunproblemamásrápidamentepuedehablar con suenfermera u otroprofesional de la saludqueparticipe de suatención. No obstante, siconsideraque no estántratando un problema de maneraadecuada o sinecesitaayudaadicional, llame al partidario de pacientesparavisitas, la cualestádisponiblelas 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.
Si consideraque el hospital no ha resuelto o tratadosuproblema de manerasatisfactoria, puedecomunicarse con:
Texas Department of State Health Services
Health Facility Compliance Division
1100 West 49th Street
Austin TX 78756
+1 (888) 973-0022
Los pacientestambiénpuedencomunicarse con la ComisiónConjunta: (Joint Commission)
Correoelectrónico: jointcommission.org
Fax: ImprimaunFormulario de reclamo de incidente de calidaddesde el sitio web (jointcommission.org) y envíelopor fax a: Oficina de Control de Calidad (Office of Quality Monitoring), +1 (630) 792-5636.
Correo postal: Imprima el formulariocomo se indicamásarriba y envíelo a:
Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Los beneficiarios de Medicare quetenganquejasrespecto a la calidad de atención, decisiones de cobertura o altaprematura, tienenderecho a presentar sus quejasparasurevisión ante la Organización de Mejora de Calidad, un grupo de médicossubvencionadopor el gobierno federal paraque revise la necesidadmédica, la idoneidad y la calidad del tratamientohospitalariobrindados a los pacientes de Medicare. Contacto:
TMF Health Quality Institute
Review and Compliance
Bridgepoint 1, Suite 300
5918 West Courtyard Drive
Austin, TX 78730-5036
+1 (800) 725-8315
Cualquierpacienteque se hayasentidodiscriminado en el hospital porrazones de raza, color, origennacional, discapacidad o edadtienederecho a presentarunaqueja. El informeescrito de la presuntadiscriminacióndebeenviarse o entregarse en el hospital, preferentementedentro de los 30 días de ocurrido el incidente.